I like tweeking my builds, and am still unlocking skills as I see new ways to use them, skills change, or I just want a change in play style.
My Mesmer has a generic PvE build that I use, and it's suitable for most areas, but gets tweeked on occasion, to try new things. I've focused so much on the Domination Magic side, my Illusions skill list is a bit lacking, so I might try some of that to change things up.
My Warrior has a fairly consistant build, that only changes as he gets new skills. Right now, he's short an elite, but once he gets that, I don't see his bar changing much in general.
My Monk's build is evolving, based on the area, skills, and experience. I've gone smite with her for a bit (for the early Prochecies missions while leveling up Heroes) too, which was fun, if a yet incomplete build.